Our Beaches Are (Almost!!!) Fully OPEN!
As of June 2nd, San Diego County will be permitting the use of beaches for sitting and sunbathing in addition to the already allowed usage for activities such as jogging, walking, surfing, etc. The county is still asking that beach-goers practice physical social distancing from people outside your household, and that face masks are used in public, especially at beach entrances that may be particularly narrow spaces.
In addition to beaches, retailers, restaurants, and hair salons have gotten the go ahead to resume (modified) operations! San Diego County is working hard to get our businesses back up and running, with everyone’s healthy and safety being of the utmost importance. As such, occupancy restrictions are being enforced at businesses that are choosing to open up for in-person services. Here is a list of these businesses in Encinitas.
As we walked around Cardiff this week, we noticed that almost all of the restaurants in the area have opened their doors for dine-in services, too. Yay!
As restrictions ease up, we’re ecstatic to see some familiar and (new!) faces here at Cardiff Bungalows. If you’ve missed any of our other COVID-19 updates and still have questions you’d like to be addressed, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re here to help.
With that, we hope to see you (at a 6 foot distance) soon!
Stacy and Keith